Start exploring the word here But walk out into the green and pause for a moment to sense the life springing around you. You can find out more about Hildegard Von Bingen at this website
Is holiness the preserve of white gowned angels singing a perfected concert of praise? Or is that an artists impression intended to inspire you to seek out a very ordinary existence, but where things taste right and people are gentle with each other. Or when you see people in gritty everyday work but living together […]
Social media
At first glance you may wonder about the relevance of this article to a blog on spirituality. But pause for a moment and consider the effects of the introduction of the printing press. The massive social change which accompanied the use of this tool contributed to and depended on revolutionary new approaches to information at […]
Brother Sun Sister Moon
A story of St Francis Have you seen this film? I was introduced to it recently and thought it was beautiful in so many ways. It is an artists impression of a life rather than a historians, but for more information about his life you could start here:
Pancake party!
Mostly a chance to get together, but there will also be ways to artisticly respond to the season. Please contact us if you need directions.
Forest Church Special
February Stargazing We will gather as usual at 2pm on Sunday the 18th of February outside the Crichton Chapel to practice #SensingSpirituality We will also have a spring special. Before the clocks change we will have an evening looking at the stars. Thanks to the hospitality of Ann Shuckman we will hold this at Elsieshields […]
Merry Christmas
If you were omnicompetent, understood everything and held the expanse of time like a lump of clay in your hand – how would you handle creating everything? Or scale it down to something as simple as a trip to your ancestral home. Would an unexpected pregnancy, room booking failure, and the univited arrival of a […]
Marking a trail Following up on interest about Forest Church at the Christmas Tree Festival we will be meeting as usual 2pm on the 3rd Sunday outside the Crichton chapel. We will meet in Christs name, read (text and natural environment), pray and worship. We will also explore the readings and our life experiences by […]