We met in June as Forest Church to take part in some “Flow” activities. Here is a slide show as a reminder – and an invitation to those who are able to join us.
June 24 Forest Church

We met in June as Forest Church to take part in some “Flow” activities. Here is a slide show as a reminder – and an invitation to those who are able to join us.
Creative Church Building Here are some thoughts reflecting on the experience of running messy and muddy church activities in a seaside Scottish town. Our speaker couldn’t make it on the day, but she sent her thoughts for people to read. You can download some sample running orders for the sessions here: What are your aims? […]
Creative Church Building Our gathering on Saturday the 18th was uplifting. Members of St Johns were joined by people from around Dumfries and Galloway. Participants described it as “encouraging”, “insightful”, and are planning events to build up the Body of Christ as we move onwards after Pentecost. This post will have a few images from […]
21/4/24 Online and in person We will gather 2pm this Sundayoutside the Crichton Chapel in Dumfries And share his peace. All are invited Whether you consider yourself a close friend or are just curious. There is a danger that this can be come a vague habit but we do it because it is important to […]
This Easter Quartz explored the spiritual landscape near St Johns. Seven of us, and a dog, from within St Johns and the wider community visited Lincluden Abbey, and the 12 Apostles stone circle. The day was set up to allow people to drop in for activities and to travel by car, or on foot. Some […]
Ink is kinda magical. “It’s a bridge between the world of flesh and blood and the world of thoughts and dreams”. Can you imagine how the first people to see books and realise how they work felt? Have you ever wondered about the social and spiritual effects of introducing the technology of the printing press? […]
We went out to Elshieshields for some stargazing last weekend. We enjoyed a combination of looking at stars, reflecting on ancient meanings, and learning with modern technology. We were made welcome with a warm bothy where we could gather for refreshment. The evening was overcast, but we were able to see the moon and Jupiter […]
Start exploring the word here But walk out into the green and pause for a moment to sense the life springing around you. You can find out more about Hildegard Von Bingen at this website
Quartz Forest Church November 2022 This month at forest church we engaged in a wee bit of displaying arboreal affection (DofAA) and made some lanterns. The framework for us meeting to work together to worship can be read here, so I won’t repeat it. Instead, here are a few of the photos and insights from […]
On Sunday the 30th of October 2022 at 6pm we will be gathering in St John’s church building. The clocks will be changing to mark the end of British Summer time. The Nights are getting longer and darker, and the trees are drawing into themselves, letting go of their fruit and leaves. Seeds are buried […]