In science fiction the reader is often given a glimpse of present reality from an imagined future perspective. The first panel in this story reminded my both of the optimism of the atomic era, and the growing recognition that something was wrong with the way we were using oil. It was an era of Mutually […]
Tag: Climate Change
Psalm 8
A song from my childhood What balance of responsibilities and rights does our relationship with heaven and earth require?
Learning to love

“Raising kids during climate catastrophe” (a point of view from the USA) How can something as simple as lighting a candle move you from one ‘bubble’ of normal into another? Well, it takes time, but our hearts will learn to lie where we spend our time – whether that’s in a building we say is […]

When the Israelites decide that they want a king, like other nations, they are told by their prophet that the king will take their children, their wealth, and the best of their produce. They go ahead with it anyway and choose Saul. The idea that the rich get rich from the work of the poor […]
The spiritual practice of gardening. For some the step forward will be the experience of working with their hands, growing things, and encountering a primitive world to balance a lifestyle of technology and 24/7/365 artificial light. By relinquishing their acknowledged position of dominance they can restore the relationship. For others it will be access to […]