Creative Worship Fresh Expressions Lent

Kingdom or Earworm?

A busker sets up on the high street. Some people nod and keep walking, some pause to listen, some start dancing. Still more record and share on their phones, or go home and find some piping. Others find some string and a box, or spoons, or even click on a digital tip jar. The music […]

Creative Worship Thought of the Day

Beyond analogy

We live in a beautiful and fascinating world. Experiments with Tin But what has this to do with analogy or creative worship? If we allow ourselves time to experience wonder, and put into practice the belief that God is generous, then we can train ourselves to notice the goodness in everything. This video uses timelapse […]

Creative Worship Fresh Expressions prayers

Celebration Earth

Visit the page This page is collecting poems, reflections and examples of the myriad of ways in which people express the good they see in celebration. Check it out, send in tour thoughts….