#SensingSpirituality Forest Church

Summer Wandering

What does it mean to “Find Jesus in the trees”, or in daily life, or a shared bite to eat and drink?

Jesus himself is recorded as talking about people “finding” the Kingdom of heaven while doing ordinary task like grinding grain. Perhaps you are someone who catches a glimpse of the Rule of God when you see a parent chasing a laughing child in a game, running round a park.

Waking in a Viking era village

If these are moments where the presence of God are sensed, then perhaps the ways in which they join together throughout a lifetime become stories of faith. Ligaments which hold all those moments together. All these stories then become a body, the body, of God present in earth creating life out of the dust.

When we meet together we collect the glimmers of these ‘God Moments’ and ‘See’ the collective story. Whether it is in a forest, an ancient building, online, or a multifunctional hall we become aware of the hands and feet of the body. How many people gain awareness of the whole body though?

Ancient poem celebrating the beauty of Arran

Jesus mother, Mary, collected all the moments in the earthly life of Jesus, and we have inherited this story. They help us recognise the wonder of “God with us” in the life of a man. By ascending to heaven Jesus frees us to follow the example of Mary and in letting go of a physical form, we can become aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit. Through learning skills of #SensingSpirituality and developing awareness of the body we are part of we see dust and dry bones breathed into life around us.

So, what does your Sunday look like where you are? Please send in photos to help all of us see the glimmers of God that surround you.

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