
Elsieshields Quiet Morning

The next first Saturday of the month gathering will be a Quiet Morning.  It will be lovely to see those of you who can make it.  It is a chance to gather together, to be strengthened by our friendship and to find peace and refreshment in the spirit of Our Lord.

Labyrinth at Elshieshields

Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available from 9:30am. 

At 10am there will be the first 5 minute reflection followed by 45 minutes to explore the grounds and meditate on God’s creation. 

If weather is wet, the tower will be open as will the oratory. 

The morning will finish at 12:30pm with a short informal worship service. 

Participants are then welcome to bring a packed lunch and share fellowship together.

As you go round the woods please look out for red squirrels.  We lost them about two years ago and Ann keeps hoping they will decide to come back.

Also many thanks for your donations: at the  last Quiet Morning we raised £120 for the Ukrainian children coming to Dumfries and the previous month after Silent Prayer Ann sent £56 to the United Nations Blue Ribbon fund for refugees.

Further enquiries to Ann Shukman: Tel 07884 256931

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