
Ukrainian School Holiday

Fundraising is going well in our plan to give seventeen children and young people from the east of the Ukraine a break this summer. We have covered the basic costs for accommodation and food at Barcaple. We have raised the funds to pay for Visa support. Money from their local council, and local fundraising from […]

Arts Creative Worship

Messy/Muddy Church

Creative Church Building Here are some thoughts reflecting on the experience of running messy and muddy church activities in a seaside Scottish town. Our speaker couldn’t make it on the day, but she sent her thoughts for people to read. You can download some sample running orders for the sessions here: What are your aims? […]

#SensingSpirituality Thought of the Day Youth


“Light” is used frequently in the Gospels, especially in the good news as told by John. I chose this theme for my final assembly with the Dumfries High School year group I have been chaplain to since they started secondary school during lockdown. As they gather I usually run a video which introduces the theme […]


Keep Calm and Carry On

Who are you helping? Find out more about how to help here Lyubotin is a town about thirty minutes drive from the centre of Kharkiv. There are plenty of travel guides and it looks like a wonderful place to visit when it is not being bombed. If you want an idea of what life is […]


Wha’s like us?

When you donate, who are you helping? A refugee doctor, a Ukrainian school teacher, and a Scottish artist are working together to give a group of two teachers and seventeen children and young people a break from the war in the East of the Ukraine. One lass is 16 a year old artist, when she […]

Forest Church

The Nettle Dress

The Church can offer a lot to help people access their heritage. To rediscover hedgerow culture, slow art, and a creative reaction against the ultra sophistication world we live in. Here is something sent in by Alison to inspire you. Perhaps we should take some time to consider the lilies, and let the ideas bloom.



Many examples of flow at forest church on Sunday! We met as usual, and after catching up, sharing Christ’s Peace and reading from the gospel, we settled down to make string. Grasping the nettles firmly we drew off the stinging bits. Flattening and scraping off the core, we found the long fibres which can be […]

Arts Creative Worship

Building Church Creativity

Sharing experiences of God in creation and creating A way to encourage creativity in people is to create an environment where it is normal to express yourself creatively. This might seem like a simple statement, but how many people stop making art after bad experiences in childhood, or as adults don’t feel that their creativity […]

Forest Church

June QFC “Flow”

Quartz Forest Church, 16th June 2024 Intro As usual we will meet outside the Crichton chapel at 2pm. There are no facilities, bring a portable chair if you’d like to perch for a while. We will walk round the grounds and adapt what we do in order to work with our surrounding environment rather than […]


June Forest Church

Sunday the 16th of June We will meet as Quartz Forest Church as usual outside the Crichton chapel at 2pm. Between every two pines is a doorway to a new world – John Muir But exploration is a skill. Expeditions take preparation and practice. Simply walking between two trees might not open the door. We […]