We will meet again as CLC on the 18th at Simon and Kates 19.30 as usual The plan is to watch and reflect on a christmas special episode of “The Chosen” together

We will meet again as CLC on the 18th at Simon and Kates 19.30 as usual The plan is to watch and reflect on a christmas special episode of “The Chosen” together
Time out to reflect on “Calling” and the life of St Margaret Saturday the 16th of November is the day that St Margaret of Scotland is re-membered by many. We will be hosted for the first Forest Church gathering in Asheiri, Creetown. So please come and join us from 2.30 on Saturday the 16th of […]
News from our neighbours! Mark Smith writes (I) wanted to invite your folk to our Re-dedication and Thanksgiving event on Thursday 21st November, 7pm, in our new location in the former St Mary’s Greyfriars’ Church (which we’re just calling St Mary’s). We’d love as many people to come as possible to celebrate with us and […]
Galloway and Dumfriesshire are regions where you can find an amazing diversity of activity, but sometimes will be just one glen away from meeting up with each other! https://www.asheiri.one
This week much of Scotland will be awash in the discarded plastic left over from a commercialised Halloween. How many of us are wrapped in misinformation about the roots and current experience of this Holy time? This article discusses the history of the festival we have inherited, and some of the misinformation surrounding it. https://www.premierunbelievable.com/articles/was-halloween-originally-a-christian-festival/16648.article […]
November Forest Church special Save the date Saturday the 16th of November 2024 We will gather in the afternoon (2.30 for 3) for a special Forest Church in the woodland at Asheiri in Creetown. Our themes will be migration, the life of St Margaret, and the turning of the wheel of the year into winter. […]
Forest Church gathering October 2024 And the winds are his messengers! But what message do they carry? We gathered in the grounds intending to arrange the fallen leaves. The wind was already doing this, and the swirled in gusts. We read psalm 104 to each other pausing to sense what words resonated with us, walking […]
20/10/2024 2pm Outside the Crichton Memorial Church While we are waiting for everyone to arrive we will look for a patch of fallen leaves to build a labyrinth in. Peace We meet in Jesus name and share his peace. Whether you consider yourself a close friend or are just curious, we meet in peace. Offer […]
Sunday 20th October at 2pm Forest Church in October will very possibly involve shuffling around in leaves, looking for colours and reflecting on what to let go of. We are planning a Forest Church special for Saturday the 15th of November at Asheiri in Creetown. It would be great if we could meet up with […]
Every October some artists take on the challenge of inking. This post highlights contributions made by artists involved in Quartz There are rules but they are more like guidelines. There are daily prompts throughout October, or due to the success of the original idea you can participate throught the whole year. There are no prizes, […]