2ndSunday Creative Worship Uncategorized

2nd Sunday in December

Creative Worship for the 3rd Sunday in Advent (the 13th of December) Firstly, my appologies if you thought this was happening this weekend. A bit of a calendar clash – 2nd Sunday in December is the 3rd in Advent. Psalm 126 or Lk 1: 46b-55 The texts linked to above are taken from the readings […]

Mission Thought of the Day


When the Israelites decide that they want a king, like other nations, they are told by their prophet that the king will take their children, their wealth, and the best of their produce. They go ahead with it anyway and choose Saul. The idea that the rich get rich from the work of the poor […]

Creative Worship Thought of the Day

Beyond analogy

We live in a beautiful and fascinating world. Experiments with Tin But what has this to do with analogy or creative worship? If we allow ourselves time to experience wonder, and put into practice the belief that God is generous, then we can train ourselves to notice the goodness in everything. This video uses timelapse […]

Creative Worship Fresh Expressions prayers

Celebration Earth

Visit the page This page is collecting poems, reflections and examples of the myriad of ways in which people express the good they see in celebration. Check it out, send in tour thoughts….



There is a reality in words. There is a reality in deeds. When one is lacking it is challenged to perform by the other. The aim should be to use words to inspire deeds though, and great deeds inspire songs and poetry. Or, perhaps simply a like, smile or love emojii. Here are some examples […]

Fresh Expressions Thought of the Day


The spiritual practice of gardening. For some the step forward will be the experience of working with their hands, growing things, and encountering a primitive world to balance a lifestyle of technology and 24/7/365 artificial light. By relinquishing their acknowledged position of dominance they can restore the relationship. For others it will be access to […]

Thought of the Day


This post is not about crafts. It refers to an event which never happened. It can also reveal a powerful truth. Truth is a complicated concept, but learning wisdom through meditating about truth provides a secure foundation for life.

Thought of the Day

Disaster Shamanism

I’m reposting this because it’s from a while ago, which means it can be read to see if it stands the test of time. Lots of words which may be unfamiliar to people! but then again, lots of words which may explain the motivation of the clowns you see parking boats in the middle of […]


This too, is prayer.

We ran an interweave called “This too is prayer” a while ago. We explored how everyday actions communicate the relationships which form us and our relationship with God. This prayer reminded me to be mindful of the meaning that can be found in the moment of preparing to leave the house, or enter a crowd. […]



The thoughts, dreaming and poetry from last months creative worship. Clicking this link will take you to a page with all the blog posts about 2nd Sunday creative worship events.