
Palm Sunday

The 6th Sunday in our Lent journey Last week we spent a while reflecting on passions, and especially Anger, in both the positive and negative ways we experience it. Can it inspire us to speak out on issues which concearn us – like catastrophic climate change? If we are angry out of fear does this […]



Today I have been struck by the emotions depicted in the way these pictures tell a story through “looks” (Read the story here) All sorts of judgemental looking going on in the painting by Dieric Bouts. I wonder if you identify with any of them? The overall composition of the picture makes me feel distant, […]

Lent Thought of the Day

Jesus Wept

Two thoughts from Alison arising from the Lent course… I was struck by the way in which Jesus responsed to the grieving women in the family of Lazerus. He didn’t try to make them look on the bright side. “At least we know that he is happy in heaven now”. He didn’t avoid their raw […]

climate change Fresh Expressions Lent Mission Uncategorized


Today’s lent thinking revolves around Jesus praying in Gethsemane. The story describes him feeling powerful emotions as he anticipates where his path will lead him. Most people avoid fear and anger and the situations where we may experience these emotional states. There is a tradition of “Via Negitiva” though. I react badly to (hate?) Disney […]


5th Sunday in Lent

Please use the link below to join the online meeting. This week has been emotional … or at least about knowing a Jesus who experiences emotions! Without emotional, passionate, experiences life can seem to drift by us. Other times can be turbulent and troubled and our emotions overwhelm us. Some people are anchors in our […]

Lent prayers


From this years lent journey. A “Lorica” breastplate prayer. Recognising that which is right and solid to ‘armour up’ before confronting the shifting trials of relationships, social pressures and politics. Rock is solid, Christ is with us. The earth is firm, and the friendship of those who care for us keeps us on track.

Lent Thought of the Day

Pangur Bán

From the resident Quartz weaving specialist – Alison Fair Bixler Continuing my ongoing pondering of the BBC radio 4 Daily Service, (about the gifts of talents) I reread the 9th century  poem a monk wrote about his cat Pangur Bán in the margins of the page in the book he was working on. In it […]


Saint Patricks Day

There are many debates about Saint Patrick, and many various ways in which he is remembered. There will be a lot of people #SensingMeaningfulness through remembering ancestral links. Perhaps there will also be a lot of self medication as people grasp onto the day to counter unexamined feelings of alienation and lack of meaningfulness. Celebration […]

climate change creation Mission

Tuesday the 16th – Climate Change.

Today is the day (16th of March) The Eco Congregation Scotland network are running a series of events to help you think about things you can do in response to climate change. Especially since representatives of the current ‘winners’ in the status quo are gathering in Glasgow this year. You may wish to sign up […]

Lent Thought of the Day

Sensing physicality

#SensingSpirituality is a theme which runs through Quartz activates. This is based on the idea that humans are made of more than just flesh and bones. The activities are often designed to help participants use visual arts, or the physicality of crafts to explore, understand and express intangible feelings like meaningfulness. But do you ever […]