2021 Review Creative Worship Fresh Expressions

A Typical 3 Months

What does a typical 3 Months in Quartz look like? This is a bit like asking what typical weather is like in a Scottish day. There will be a recognisable constant of four seasons, and at certain times of the year it is more probable that one will dominate the others. It is quite likely […]

Fresh Expressions Mission

Time to Reflect

There is a flow between thinking and doing. It is good to plan ahead, but sometimes you just need to get stuck in and get on with it. This was the approach we took with Quartz. The time has come now to sit back and reflect on what has happened, remember why we started out […]

Lent Thought of the Day

Moving On

The journey through Lent is completed now. Quartz met as a group during it, but I also know that other people have enjoyed just reading the posts and walking along in their own way. Whichever of these approaches you identify with if you have found this way of doing things helpful please consider the ongoing […]

Creative Worship Thought of the Day

Something for the morning?

When time seems to be running away from you. Stand still. Let the movement wash over you, even for just a moment. The comforter surrounds us and is in us, and we can walk sensitive to the movement of the spirit.

Creative Worship Mission

50 days later

The festivities of Easter weekend, and the Easter holidays are over. Scotland is still constrained by lockdown precautions. What did the first Christians feel like during the days between pascha and pentecost? After around 2000 years you might think that the surprise is worn out, but has it? All living beings adapt to survive. I’m […]


Level up?

“Levelling up” is something which happens when all the experience gained in a game is used by the player to improve their characters skills. Some games make this a very detailed process, and some players spend a lot of time working out the best way to spend their experience points so that they can complete […]


Easter Sunday!

Christ is Risen! Bleary eyed with our eyes full of sleep, we greet the dawn and a light which doesn’t blind us to what is happening – but which helps us see. If we choose, this day can be the centre of time. Every Sunday an echo of creation being fulfilled, and every day a […]

Lent Thought of the Day

Downside Up

This is not a new post. It seemed appropriate to me this morning though, at a time where everything is tumbling, and no one is sure what will emerge. Follow the fool, but don’t be foolish 😉 Please click the button to read the original post. You may find it a lot to take in at […]

Lent Thought of the Day


In the UK companies are formed to sell disposable plastic bottles. People pay to consume waste, when they could turn on a tap. Elsewhere people have great difficulty finding clean drinking water. Where did it go wrong and what can be done about it? A colourful and hopefully thought provoking series of images placed in […]

Lent Outerweave

Summer time

In The UK it is now summer time. Everything will happen an hour before your body thinks it should. Clocks need to be set forward an hour 2pm (UT) is 3pm (BST). Mobile phone and internet devices do this automatically based on the region they think they are in. Sundials need their gnomen tweeked And […]