Arts climate change Fresh Expressions Thought of the Day

News and Updates

This post is a collection of the things which Quartz people have been sending in because they found them interesting. Creation time This year Eco-Congregation Scotland and Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) combine to provide a bank of resources of real value to congregations, in a variety of current media, to facilitate ‘Creation Time/Creationtide/Season of […]

Thought of the Day


Everything that lives, changes.

Arts Febreflection Fresh Expressions


There is a much quoted insight gained by Jeremiah when he watched a potter working away making clay pots. This can be encountered in many ways. For a moment though, imagine what it is like to be the clay on a potters wheel. Your centre is hardly moving at all, but travelling outwards the speed […]

2021 Review Creative Worship Fresh Expressions

The Year Ahead

The summer in Scotland is nearing harvest and autumn. I can see apples ripening on the trees outside my window, and that always reminds me that I need to plan ahead if I want to be able to do more than clear them from my drive into compost! There has been a lot of reflection […]

Thought of the Day

Solo Pioneers?

Enterprise is a buzz word going around. School pupils today are being trained for jobs that don’t exist yet. Traditional economic models are crumbling as we reap the hidden costs of industrialisation, and it’s collapse. But what does it take to get a new enterprise going? Many won’t survive, but some will. Legend tells that […]

Creative Worship


With “The Eve of the Living Dead” we combined “All souls Eve” with retro film titles, Marigolds, and South American traditions. We made the tissue paper marigold in cafes around Dumfries, chatting with anyone who was interested, and using this as a discussion point to talk about life and death – as well as how […]

Forest Church Thought of the Day


We can’t control time, but we can change our awareness of it.

Arts Fresh Expressions Thought of the Day

Finding the Depth

Humans are deeply spiritual animals. For centuries in Scotland this has been explored and expressed through the Church. In the last century however this has changed. At one time the Church provided political authority, social services, education, healthcare, and the opportunity to experience the best of the arts. A church was the place to go […]

climate change Forest Church Fresh Expressions

Forest Church

Around 2018 as a group we read “Forest Church” a Field Guide to a Spiritual Connection with Nature . Some of the idea and principles within the book are part of regular Quartz activities – for example the #SensingSpirituality walks and have been for a long time. Some of you may remember the 2017 Summer […]

Ignation Spirituality Thought of the Day

The End of the Day

It is quite warm at the moment in Dumfries. Warm and humid with a thunderstorm waiting to break. This potential could go anywhere, but until it is released it is difficult to shake the cloying muggy feel of it all. I am fairly sure that this is not an experience unique to me. On Sunday […]