Have you ever noticed that you just like being near someone? There is magnetic invisible draw some people have that gathers people together, and forms communities. Or have you experienced uncommonly good days, where nothing out of the ordinary happened but you just hung out with the people who remind you of who you are […]
Forest Church meeting, 2pm Chrichton Church Dumfries, Sunday the 31st The significance of this time has been recognised by humans from a time before writing. As Autumn moves towards winter the plants in the northern hemisphere start to die back. Harvests have been gathered in, and the Cailleach prepares to wash her plaid in the […]
CLC week 3
We will meet again in St Johns on Monday the 4th of October for 7.30 pm If you know anyone who would be interested in exploring the idea of a Christian Life Community (CLC) please invite them to the next meeting. We decided to continue to experiment with the “Lectio Divina” technique combined with keeping […]
COP 26 Prayer Boats
Join in and set sail for climate Justice News Sent in By Lizzie, Some of us are meeting up on Monday morning to help each other explore prayer as a community. Lizzie has suggested that we make some boats! Not just in case the sea levels rise, but because politicians are meeting in Glasgow to […]
It has often been said that people have a God shaped hole they need to fill. The Gospel is then presented as good news, that the hole can be filled. It is, of course, true that like the father in the story of the prodigal son, God rushes from the house to meet us in […]
This is event is happening on the day I post it – so not much advance warning I’m afraid. Even if the event has passed by the time you read this though, follow the link and find out more. Perhaps it will encourage and inspire you. https://www.christianaid.org.uk/events/curiosity-creativity-and-climate Even just knowing that Christian Aid have a […]
Forest Church Planting

Sunday the 26th of September, 4 to 5pm (Forest Church No. 1) Well, it isn’t the season for planting really, but we are finally getting round to testing out some Forest Church ideas. Meet at the Crichton church, (The Crichton, Dumfries DG1 4ZZ) Find it on google maps Please dress for the weather, and don’t […]
In science fiction the reader is often given a glimpse of present reality from an imagined future perspective. The first panel in this story reminded my both of the optimism of the atomic era, and the growing recognition that something was wrong with the way we were using oil. It was an era of Mutually […]
Psalm 8
A song from my childhood What balance of responsibilities and rights does our relationship with heaven and earth require?
What is your relationship with your environment? Or perhaps a better place to start is to reflect on how you perceive your relationship with all that is around and within you. Sometimes we can feel overwhelmed by the absence of the things we hope for. It can seem like a struggle to animate lifeless dust, […]