A quick look at the Labyrinth we made for the recent St Johns Dumfries Teddy Bear festival. As part of the much larger gathering of teddy bears, Quartz contributed some hanging platforms and a labyrinth. The Labyrinth offered time for reflection – and in the centre a colloquoy of Cathbad’s (some more bear-like that others) […]
Alison has been part of quartz before that name was even chosen. She had a cause she feels deeply about, and tells that story here. Please take a moment to consider supporting her, and the cause she is supporting. https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Alison-Fair
Teddy Bear Festival
Where, when, do you learn emotional truth? Toys and childhood play help us become the adults who have the luxury of asking such questions. Teddy bears have their own nostalgic niche. The process of experiencing feelings of attachment, separation and developing skills of emotional resilience can developed whether with a bear or a “my little […]
Quartz Forest Church
2pm outside the Crichton chapel today! Workshop God with the whole of creation on a beautiful day in the summer.
A wee advert.
Forest Church Intro
50 days after Jesus returned from the grave his followers were gathered together, still afraid that the religious and legal types would continue to place “the greater good” of the nation over the value of individual lives. Then something wonderful happened. The stories of the acts of the apostles contain many amazing moments. Some of […]
There is an importance in places. I sometimes wonder what it is like to grow up in the digitally connected world. It is quite possible that many who are now in their 30’s have never been in a place where it wasn’t possible to pick up a device and phone, or latterly video message, a […]
A Light Touch
Artists help us become aware of the invisible reality we live in. This process can be confusing and leave us questioning things we were certain of, it can also reassure those who experience it – leaving them with the thought “Now I see it, I’m glad I’m not the only one!” #SensingSpirituality is a project […]
Singing for trees
Those who like Forest Church may like this : https://www.crichton.co.uk/event/sing-for-the-trees/ If you go, please comment here on what it is like? What could we learn from the experience? Where do you recognise the Holy Spirit at work? And don’t forget the value of a smile, or the worth in experiencing the was a particular ray […]