Speaking truth to power. An economy based on the well being of people and environment, rather than GDP. Supporting creative flourishing as a basic human capacity and need. Are you drawn towards these things? Set aside some time to reflect on them in this talk. The new testament collection of books is a record of […]
Sunday Afternoon
Forest Church on Sunday afternoon in September. The theme that resonated most this month was enjoying each others company. We have met in the Crichton estate each month for a year now, and although there are always new things arriving and plenty more to find, it is feeling a bit like home. Our forest church […]
German visionary, theologian, composer and naturalist. Remembered on Saturday the 17th of September, walked this earth till 1179AD. Many people will be aware of the date ‘1066’ and the battle of Hastings. It probably feels like a distant, far off and alien place. But in that year, people were born, they harvested crops, baked bread […]
1pm on Sunday the 18th of September We are meeting up again on the 3rd Sunday in the month as we have been for around a year. During this time we have seen the seasons change and have fulfilled our aim of getting to know the environment of the Crichton. We are meeting slightly earlier […]
I’m just back from spending most of a weekend in the woods (Barrhill woodland Festival 2022) with the Cluaran part of Wordsmith Crafts. We created a “Land of Legends” where people could listen to epic stories, learn to braid cord friendship bracelets, and test their skills with ancient games. This was part of a wider […]
August Quartz FC
Our reading through words for this week was psalm 19 We also read about Jesus healing a woman on the Sabbath. This led us on a wandering afternoon. We were looking for signs of abundance and harvest. We were also trying to be aware of factors which could prevent us from seeing abundance and harvest, […]
An outdoor service for harvest. Click here to download the pdf description of it. Would this appeal to you? I wonder what being outdoors, rather than in a building, would contribute to your experience of the words and actions. Is there anything you think in necessary, needing added, or especially remarkable?
August Forest Church
We will meet as usual outside the Crichton chapel at 2pm This month we will look for signs of harvest, seeking to become aware of the law of abundance in the natural environment. The reading from Scripture for the day is Luke 13:10-17 10 On a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues, 11 and a […]
Time for Reflection
Truth and beauty, Wigtown, Sunday 6.20 am
Time for reflection
Truth and beauty, Wigtown, Sunday 6.20 am