Arts Community Creative Worship


Selected by human rather than algorithm, here is a memory of what was going on in Quartz three or four years ago! I wonder what is quietly germinating in the ground this winter ready to burst out in the next three of four years!

Arts Thought of the Day


The featured photos are of a piece of interactive art in a cafe about five years ago. They have spread though facebook and pop will pop in memories for years to come. Another addition to the colourful expression of life in winter. But have you ever wondered if Angels are real, and if so what […]

Arts Christmas Light

Nuggets of Christmas Light

As part of the Christmas installation this year we have been asking people to recognise the ways in which they bring light into the world, and their relationships. They have been writing words and drawing symbols as described elsewhere on this site. Here are some of the symbols of the “Nuggets of Joy” which have […]

Forest Church Thought of the Day


We are choosing to work in relationship with the natural environment when we meet as Forest Church. We are taking a chilled out approach to this though. This means that our midwinter meeting is on a Sunday close to the solstice but not the day of it. We will meet outside the Crichton chapel as […]

Arts Christmas Light Creative Worship

Christmas Light

Follow this link to find out more! As Christmas approaches Christians are thinking about the light of Jesus coming into the world. All over the world we will be spending time becoming aware of ways in which this light makes the world a better place to live in. We invite you join us in this […]

Arts Christmas Light

Advent Installation

Do you remember the canopy of Angels from Christmas last year? That was an example of a type of art known as an “Installation”. As a community art project it drew together ideas from a wide range of people, and worked in a relationship with the building it was hung in. The architecture and lighting […]

Arts Creative Worship Fresh Expressions Mission Thought of the Day


It makes me smile when I think that one of the things which early Christians in these isles are remembered for is illuminated manuscripts. The grin gets broader when I compare the ready appreciation of this art with the slowness with which “youthwork for adults” has been accepted in many worshiping communities. The Manga gospels […]

Forest Church


Quartz Forest Church November 2022 This month at forest church we engaged in a wee bit of displaying arboreal affection (DofAA) and made some lanterns. The framework for us meeting to work together to worship can be read here, so I won’t repeat it. Instead, here are a few of the photos and insights from […]

Forest Church

November Forest Church

20/22/22 2pm Outside the Crichton chapel Peace We meet in Jesus name. Whether you consider yourself a close friend or are just curious, we meet in Christs peace. Peace be with you. Invocation Creator of the seasons, as the cold and dark winter begin to surround us, we ask that you set in us the […]

Arts Forest Church

Upcycling Lanterns

What do you do when you are invited to talk a bit about Forest Church and lead a fellowship meeting when it is held at night and in the dark part of the year? The evening at Barcaple started with an introduction to Quartz, and then reading Johns introduction to his Gospel. Light, and light […]