
Winter 24

After all the hustle and bustle of the Scottish festive season as currently experienced, there is a lull while the weather is still cold and the chill mists still cling. So here is a post from another blog that I thought might be relevant! A picture and a poem (and a reading as well if […]

Thought of the Day

Merry Christmas

Forest Church Fresh Expressions

Spooling Stories

A gallery of reflections on Decembers Forest Church gathering. We gathered outside the Crichton chapel and watched the weather. I was a little wet and windy, but the rain mostly held off for our service. We remembered the solstice while we gathered, and perhaps the brooding pause between rain emphasised taking time to stand still. […]

#SensingSpirituality Thought of the Day


If you were omnicompetent, understood everything and held the expanse of time like a lump of clay in your hand – how would you handle creating everything? Or scale it down to something as simple as a trip to your ancestral home. Would an unexpected pregnancy, room booking failure, and the univited arrival of a […]

#SensingSpirituality Forest Church

December Forest Church

Marking a trail Following up on interest about Forest Church at the Christmas Tree Festival we will be meeting as usual 2pm on the 3rd Sunday outside the Crichton chapel. We will meet in Christs name, read (text and natural environment), pray and worship. We will also explore the readings and our life experiences by […]

Arts climate change Forest Church

Christmas Tree Festival

2024 St Johns Christmas tree festival Have you dropped in to see the Quartz tree yet? Opening Times Wednesday 6 December, 7pm – 9pm Thursday 7, Friday 8 and Saturday 9 December, 10am to 9pm Sunday 10 December, 1.30pm to 4.00pm

#SensingSpirituality Arts

Angels on Queensbury Square

Quartz Artists have been making an Angel collage, bot online and in person, on Queensbury Square. The hope is that this will encourage people to send a message to God at this time of year You can read more about it here:


Carol Singing

Dumfries Christian Network are organising some carol singing, just turn up and join in! Saturday the 2nd of December 10 to 12 In the Loreburn Centre Find out more about the DCN here.


Coffee and crafting

We are working away and sticking peoples symbols to mirrors. Every ‘Nugget of Joy’ will contribute to the overall effect. This Sunday, the 18th of December, will see the first component of the artwork installed. As well as for regular services, the building is open for prayer and reflection between 10.30 and 4 each day. […]

Forest Church

QFC this Sunday

Remember that this Sunday will be the third in the Month. We will be meeting outside the Crichton memorial church at 2pm. More details will be posted on this site soon!