Thought of the Day

Simple Things

This picture is a throw away thing. But if you look at the number of people who have seen it that’s about 2200 folk thinking of Jesus, God in human form, with a smile on their faces. What would St Ignatius think? Perhaps their thoughts won’t have been the deepest of contemplations, but how often […]

#SensingSpirituality Creative Worship Easter2024 Forest Church

Easter 2024

Quartz Holy Saturday Pilgrimage and Easter Sunday Forest Church BBQ (30th and 31st of March) Holy Saturday On Saturday the 30th we are planning a pilgrimage. We will gather outside St Johns building and then travel to Lincluden Abbey. After a pause for reflection there we will continue on, and thousands of years back in […]

Forest Church Thought of the Day

Iron Galls

Ink is kinda magical. “It’s a bridge between the world of flesh and blood and the world of thoughts and dreams”. Can you imagine how the first people to see books and realise how they work felt? Have you ever wondered about the social and spiritual effects of introducing the technology of the printing press? […]

#SensingSpirituality creation Forest Church


At the CLC meeting last night we watched “Brother Sun, Sister Moon” as a group. We had a short chat about the experience afterwards, but there was a lot to take in. Themes of #SensingChallenge and wealth vs poverty were particularly relevant to the season of Lent we are in. The emphasis on meeting God […]

#SensingSpirituality Angel Cloud

War Fatigue

Two years ago in 2022 we set up this display as a response to the attack on Ukraine. Around the world in the last few days people have been remembering that the conflict continues. Every year Christians start a journey through Lent. Knowing that Easter Sunday is coming we can voluntarily enter the ‘wilderness’. […]

#SensingSpirituality Arts Forest Church

Forest Church Special

We went out to Elshieshields for some stargazing last weekend. We enjoyed a combination of looking at stars, reflecting on ancient meanings, and learning with modern technology. We were made welcome with a warm bothy where we could gather for refreshment. The evening was overcast, but we were able to see the moon and Jupiter […]


Silent Prayer, Elshieshields

If you liked the stargazing evening, perhaps this will interest you: The new year is upon us and with it the restart of our programme here at Elshieshields.Silent Prayer is on Saturday 6 January, as usual, 9.30 to 10.30. It will be lovely to see those of you who can make it. It is a […]

Forest Church


Start exploring the word here But walk out into the green and pause for a moment to sense the life springing around you. You can find out more about Hildegard Von Bingen at this website

Thought of the Day


Is holiness the preserve of white gowned angels singing a perfected concert of praise? Or is that an artists impression intended to inspire you to seek out a very ordinary existence, but where things taste right and people are gentle with each other. Or when you see people in gritty everyday work but living together […]

Fresh Expressions

Social media

At first glance you may wonder about the relevance of this article to a blog on spirituality. But pause for a moment and consider the effects of the introduction of the printing press. The massive social change which accompanied the use of this tool contributed to and depended on revolutionary new approaches to information at […]