Community Mission Thought of the Day


Would it upset you to know that there are people living peacefully in Dumfries, having come here to find sanctuary, who are in fear of being detained by representitives of the UK government and deported to Africa? Does this sound like the sort of country you want to live in, or a good way to […]

Forest Church Thought of the Day


This was sent in on our glimmers group. There have been a few posts recently of people simply enjoying their gardens, listening to the birds. This simplicity of living, enjoying the moment, is a gift the worth of which does not depend on words. However, as we have words here are some that are helpful […]

Forest Church Theology Thought of the Day

The preaching of trees

“What are the sermons that the woods—those places of betweenness, repositories of ancient stories—might impart from their fretwork of branches and twigs, their columnar trunks and the boughs that hold up the sky?” Words are powerful communicators of meaning. Study, training, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit help us interpret, learn, and apply, what we find […]

Forest Church Thought of the Day


Rethinking how we think… Jesus talks about being “born again” – but what does that mean, Particularly for those who have grown up in a culturally Christian culture. Have some sympathy for the teachers of the law when he walked the earth, because they most often really couldn’t see what Jesus was on about. There […]

Fresh Expressions Theology

read? write? do? discuss?

Creative Church Building Some people learn by reading books, some by writing them – still others by getting stuck in, or taking time out to reflect. We will feature all the above approaches at our Creative Church Building event on the 18th of May. This series of talks by Mike frost were very influential in […]

prayers Theology


An Evening talk and quiet evening Some of you were able to come to our stargazing evening at Elshieshields. Ann Shukman (Our host that evening) has sent out the following invitation: Evening Talk Dear friends, my son Henry will be over here from USA at the end of the month.  He will give a talk […]

Forest Church

Quartz Forest Church

21/4/24 Online and in person We will gather 2pm this Sundayoutside the Crichton Chapel in Dumfries And share his peace. All are invited Whether you consider yourself a close friend or are just curious. There is a danger that this can be come a vague habit but we do it because it is important to […]

Theology Thought of the Day


The passage photographed comes from a family Bible written over a century ago. The author makes some bold claims. Have they stood the test of time? As you read with the benefit of hindsight do any alarm bells start ringing in your mind? What achievements can we be proud of as members of the Church, […]

Arts Easter2024

Lent and Easter Cross

Andy Brooke Stained Glass Art Two stained glass crosses are currently hanging in St Johns Church building. They represent the journey towards Easter and the meeting of heaven and earth through an empty tomb. We encourage you to read the artists own words though! – on his blog. And the Lent cross which we posted […]

climate change Forest Church

FC April 2024

Earth Day On the 18th of May we are spending a morning in St Johns exploring “Creative Church Building”. The two most popular topics with people who have registered so far are “Forest Church” and “Modern Pilgrimage”. If you are interested, our own St John’s Forest Church gathering is at 2pm this Sunday. Meet outside […]