Ash Wednesday is the 5th of March, Easter Sunday is 20th April.
Walking with the Saints

… until at last, in your new creation, we enter into our heritage in the company of the Virgin Mary, the apostles and prophets (the saints) and of all our brothers and sisters living and departed …
SEC liturgy

The aim of Wordsmith Crafts is to help people enter into their heritage. Cluaran does this by making hands on living, breathing, heritage experiences accessible. Quartz focusses on our spiritual heritage.
In Scotland the Church has been present even before there was a Scotland or England. There are many people who have contributed to our present spiritual heritage. Some will be friends and neighbours, others we will only recognise when we leave this life any enter into our eternal heritage.

When Jesus walked towards Jerusalem for his last Passover supper around 2000 years ago, how much did he know of what awaited him? The way in which he is recorded talking suggests that he was both aware of those who had gone before, and also the harsh ways in which they were received by those who should have been most eager to meet them.
As we prepare to walk towards Easter this lent perhaps we could pick an ancestor to walk with?
- Who will you pick as a travelling companion?
- What do you hope to inherit from them?
- What could you do to help you find Jesus through their life story?
- Get in touch and let us know what you discover!