Creative Worship

Sunday the 10th of May

Creative Worship on Sunday the 10th of May

Use the resources here in your own time. Join us online between 7 and 8 pm on Sunday evening to discuss the theme of “How can we describe a relationship with God”. We may even have some musical worship too.

How to do this will be published on the facebook page (which shows up on this page). Or Email us quartz(AT) to be sent an invitation by e-mail.

These resources can be used just as they are, or might help you reflect on themes which feature in the book “The Shack” and the film of the book. These are themes like: suffering, the ups and downs of a personal relationship with God, how do we imagine “The Trinity” as three persons, and one being?

They will all benefit from taking time to do them, either before or after the meetup online for a discussion, so don’t feel pressured to rush.

Joan Osborne wrote a song called “What if God Was One of Us”. This link will take you to a YouTube video, with the lyrics listed.
Listen to the song, watch the video.
Some questions to help you reflect:
* How does thinking of God as “one of us” make you feel?
* Read Philipians ch 2 vs 1-11 and listen to the song again. If God is close, in everyday life, does this tarnish our image of God or does it elevate the ordinary as an antidote to idolatry?

Online! with a group of us using jitsi The name of the meeting is QuartzCreativeWorship.
The song we will be using can be found on YouTube

Art is frustrating! The process of producing works of art takes skill and effort. Your perceived lack of success, especially if you invest yourself in the process, can completely undermine your self confidence. However, to not create can be just as bad. You may appear to be successful and conform to everyone’s expectations, but at the expense of suppressing your inner being. The author of “The Shack” uses his imagination to describe his relationship with God in strong images from his culture.

Here is a guide to some activities you could use to explore and express your relationship. Or you could just play with some clay and work through the meanings in Isaiah 45 5 – 13

What does the word “Theodicy” mean? If you enjoy using your reason to wrestle with complicated thoughts and discover #SensingMeaningfulness then it’s time for some theological research.
*An introductory essay to “Theodicy” can be found here “What is Theodicy”
*A broader discussion can be found here “Theodicy – A Brief Overview”


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