
Creative Church Building Event

Saturday the 18th of May 2024

Skip to the programme for the day

We are inviting people to gather together for a morning exploring Creative Church Building. There will be opportunities to try things out, discuss, and learn to use tools encouraging creativity and spiritual growth.

The day will be introduced and guided by Rev Dr Maggie McTernan who, among many other notable activities, also leads virtual pilgrimages to Iona.

The day will offer the choice of two “Have a go” sessions to experience examples of the sorts of activities that get described as fresh expressions, or pioneer ministries. There will also be the opportunity to discuss these and other experiences.

So if you are interested in things like: storytelling, forest churchfresh expressionspioneer ministry, creative arts and spirituality, modern pilgrimage, well being cafe’s, come and discover more.

If you are involved in the rainbow of flourishing diverse ways in which Christianity enriches the community and develops worshiping communities come and share your stories with us!

We will start with coffee at 9.30 and the programme will finish by 13.00

The day will be run from the St Johns church building. 6 Newall Terrace, Dumfries, DG1 1LW.

Book your place and let us know what you are most interested in trying out or discussing here:

Please use this link if the eventbrite form above isn’t working.

Register here

Programme for the day

9.30am – registration and coffee

10am – welcome and opening prayers – themed around Pentecost 

10.15am – session 1 – growing the church

  • Small group discussions – what makes a community into a church? 
  • Take feedback from small groups.
  • Short presentation – four things you would expect to see in a church (each will be illustrated by an example of a new worshiping community – this will both illustrate the points, and share examples of different types of new expressions of church)
    • Gather to worship God – not necessarily the only time they gather, but a part of the overall life of the community
    • Connected to the wider church
      • Connected through traditions of scripture and prayer
      • Connected through denominational and ecumenical links
      • Connected through partnership with a traditional congregation
    • Nurturing faith in its members
    • Witnessing to God’s love 
  • Discussion in large group (if time)

10.45am – workshop 1 

11.30 coffee break

11.45pm – workshop 2 

12.30pm – come back together into small groups for short discussion:

  • What has struck you from today’s session? What has encouraged or surprised you?
  • What will you take from this session?  Something to reflect on, a conversation to continue, an action to take?
  • Participants encouraged to note their thoughts to take away, and also a copy to leave as feedback

12.45pm – final feedback and closing prayer

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