creation Creative Worship Thought of the Day

Micro Management

Do you make God in your image, or allow yourself to be made in the image of God? Mowing lawns may seem far off from the worship of idols. However, people put a lot of effort into maintaining standards. Even now many seek the return to normality and call the privileged consumption culture we live […]

2021 Review Fresh Expressions Thought of the Day


What does pioneering look like? Perhaps some of you are thinking about the wild west. Cutting blazes on trees to mark a path through the Appalachian forests? Or Royal Naval officers blundering foolhardy into unmapped landscapes determined to preserve their Englishness through custom and dress, even if it meant frostbite and cannibalism. Books like Kepharts […]

Creative Worship Thought of the Day

Life under lockdown

News of this came to me through the MORPHE arts network. One of their members has their work featured and developed as part of this commision. What has lockdown been like for you? What language could help you communicate this?

Thought of the Day

Glen 21

Online and in person. For many years lots of people have been working passionately to make a space and opportunity for young people in the Scottish Episcopal Church to gather. While they are there they can worship together, experiment, study, learn and lead each other further into the ongoing experience of being Church. Follow the […]

Lent Thought of the Day

Moving On

The journey through Lent is completed now. Quartz met as a group during it, but I also know that other people have enjoyed just reading the posts and walking along in their own way. Whichever of these approaches you identify with if you have found this way of doing things helpful please consider the ongoing […]

Creative Worship Thought of the Day

Something for the morning?

When time seems to be running away from you. Stand still. Let the movement wash over you, even for just a moment. The comforter surrounds us and is in us, and we can walk sensitive to the movement of the spirit.

Lent Thought of the Day

Downside Up

This is not a new post. It seemed appropriate to me this morning though, at a time where everything is tumbling, and no one is sure what will emerge. Follow the fool, but don’t be foolish 😉 Please click the button to read the original post. You may find it a lot to take in at […]

Lent Thought of the Day


In the UK companies are formed to sell disposable plastic bottles. People pay to consume waste, when they could turn on a tap. Elsewhere people have great difficulty finding clean drinking water. Where did it go wrong and what can be done about it? A colourful and hopefully thought provoking series of images placed in […]

Lent Thought of the Day

Jesus Wept

Two thoughts from Alison arising from the Lent course… I was struck by the way in which Jesus responsed to the grieving women in the family of Lazerus. He didn’t try to make them look on the bright side. “At least we know that he is happy in heaven now”. He didn’t avoid their raw […]

Lent Thought of the Day

Pangur Bán

From the resident Quartz weaving specialist – Alison Fair Bixler Continuing my ongoing pondering of the BBC radio 4 Daily Service, (about the gifts of talents) I reread the 9th century  poem a monk wrote about his cat Pangur Bán in the margins of the page in the book he was working on. In it […]