A song from my childhood What balance of responsibilities and rights does our relationship with heaven and earth require?
Category: Thought of the Day
What is your relationship with your environment? Or perhaps a better place to start is to reflect on how you perceive your relationship with all that is around and within you. Sometimes we can feel overwhelmed by the absence of the things we hope for. It can seem like a struggle to animate lifeless dust, […]
This post is a collection of the things which Quartz people have been sending in because they found them interesting. Creation time This year Eco-Congregation Scotland and Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) combine to provide a bank of resources of real value to congregations, in a variety of current media, to facilitate ‘Creation Time/Creationtide/Season of […]
Everything that lives, changes.
Solo Pioneers?
Enterprise is a buzz word going around. School pupils today are being trained for jobs that don’t exist yet. Traditional economic models are crumbling as we reap the hidden costs of industrialisation, and it’s collapse. But what does it take to get a new enterprise going? Many won’t survive, but some will. Legend tells that […]
We can’t control time, but we can change our awareness of it.
Finding the Depth
Humans are deeply spiritual animals. For centuries in Scotland this has been explored and expressed through the Church. In the last century however this has changed. At one time the Church provided political authority, social services, education, healthcare, and the opportunity to experience the best of the arts. A church was the place to go […]
It is quite warm at the moment in Dumfries. Warm and humid with a thunderstorm waiting to break. This potential could go anywhere, but until it is released it is difficult to shake the cloying muggy feel of it all. I am fairly sure that this is not an experience unique to me. On Sunday […]
Insight, relationship … balance of practical needs and the things that one struggles to express in words. The desire to leave this world having made a recognised mark? What do you think and feel?
In the 1980’s and 90’s something called “Alternative Worship” emerged. What happened, where did the explosion of creative energy lead, how many of the communities are still recognisable and what are the people who were involved doing now? As a start, here are some links to introduce readers who may be unfamilar with the concept. […]