German visionary, theologian, composer and naturalist. Remembered on Saturday the 17th of September, walked this earth till 1179AD. Many people will be aware of the date ‘1066’ and the battle of Hastings. It probably feels like a distant, far off and alien place. But in that year, people were born, they harvested crops, baked bread […]
Category: Theology
Who would be interested in gathering round a table to spend time thinking about what it is to become a missional community? I’ve had a basic introduction to this resource and it is an engaging tool for helping think about what church community is and could become. There is a video describing it here: It’s […]
Christian Animism

Interested? there is an online discussion on this website: The discussion group is an opportunity to take part in a discussion with Neo Pagan friends of Christian Anamists. You could also book below.
This year, we are folding Angels. Angels are often described as messengers of God. In Nativity plays children will dress up as Angels and sing songs of good news. They will represent a message of peace and hope. For some, this will be enough. For others there is a need to think more deeply about […]
It has often been said that people have a God shaped hole they need to fill. The Gospel is then presented as good news, that the hole can be filled. It is, of course, true that like the father in the story of the prodigal son, God rushes from the house to meet us in […]
Saint Patricks Day

There are many debates about Saint Patrick, and many various ways in which he is remembered. There will be a lot of people #SensingMeaningfulness through remembering ancestral links. Perhaps there will also be a lot of self medication as people grasp onto the day to counter unexamined feelings of alienation and lack of meaningfulness. Celebration […]

The following quote comes from a translation of the life of St Mungo as told by Jocelin of Furness early in the 12th Century. The robin in the story is the one on the coat of arms of Glasgow, and its story is well known. What is perhaps less well known is this discussion about […]
The horror of the cross
Exposing the scandal of sacrificial Violence This photo and video that goes with it are the response by the governor of California to the violence recently seen in his country. He is speaking to his public and party, rather than composing a sermon. However, he does refer to his Christian education, possibly because are […]