Throughout Lent the Quartz group will continue to meet every second week. We are taking time out to think about “Glimmers of Light in Daily Life”. The next meetup will be on Monday the 29th of Jan. 7.30 at Simon and Kate’s. We are exploring the theme of #SensingSpirituality in the run up to Easter. […]
Category: #SensingSpirituality
At Christmas we remembered the story of Jesus being born, fully man. Rooted in a particular place and time. How many of us live in the place we grew up in, or continue the same occupation as our parents? Even if we do, how much of our everyday lives are spent connected with the soil […]
Symbolist Art
Paint what you can to see what you can’t The word used to describe artists like Mucha takes its meaning from broken pottery! In Ancient Greece a treaty could be recorded using pottery. Each city state held a broken fragment of the whole. If you have ever tried to glue a mug back together you […]
If you were omnicompetent, understood everything and held the expanse of time like a lump of clay in your hand – how would you handle creating everything? Or scale it down to something as simple as a trip to your ancestral home. Would an unexpected pregnancy, room booking failure, and the univited arrival of a […]
Marking a trail Following up on interest about Forest Church at the Christmas Tree Festival we will be meeting as usual 2pm on the 3rd Sunday outside the Crichton chapel. We will meet in Christs name, read (text and natural environment), pray and worship. We will also explore the readings and our life experiences by […]
Angels on Queensbury Square
Quartz Artists have been making an Angel collage, bot online and in person, on Queensbury Square. The hope is that this will encourage people to send a message to God at this time of year You can read more about it here: