Arts News

Pen and Think

Monday the 14th of April 10.30 to 12.30 Stories have been plucked from the wind and passed down to us from ancient days, with the aid of goose feathers. The quills of scribes fluttered over a thousand years ago to record tales that were much older. Come and experience storyteller Simon Lidwell bringing a selection […]


Fair Trade

An open discussion meeting with MSP Colin Smyth, the convenor of the Scottish Parliament cross-party group. For more information please visit

#SensingSpirituality Forest Church News

QFC Sunday 19th Jan

As is our custom we will gather outside the Crichton chapel at 2pm on the third Sunday of the month. Everyone is welcome to join us, and we adapt what we do according to the people who turn up. Have a look around this website to get an idea of what to expect and please […]

CLC News

Celtic Saints

Our brothers and sisters, living and departed… We cover a wide range of topics when we meet twice a month for CLC meetings. This January we are looking at a book called “Restoring the Woven Cord” and the threads of Church woven by ancestors like Mungo, Aiden, Hilde and many, many, more. The stories of […]



Some news of a special event in Whithorn from our friends over in (Church Without Walls) Wigtown. From February onwards they will be resuming their usual pattern of evening Taize-inspired meetings on the First Friday of each month – and, for the next few months at least, these will all be based in Sacred Heart […]


Merry Christmas!

Be valiant, courageous. Wereman, Wifman and all! May your faith take you places that challenge your beliefs, and give you the strength to transform with mirth.

Making Christmas 24 News

Making Christmas

An insight into the Loreburn Centre We have had two days in the Loreburne centre now. Volunteers from Quartz and other areas of Wordsmith Crafts activity have gathered with drop in members of the public to make things and chat. The first Saturday had the theme of St Andrew, for St Andrews day, and the […]

Arts Faith_and_Art_2025 News

Faith and Art

Welcome the New Year 2025 with creativity. A series of practical sessions exploring the relationship between Faith, Art and Creativity. Four Wednesdays in January 1pm to 3pm

Making Christmas 24 News


Saturday the 14th of December Those of you who are volunteering at, or dropping in to, “Making Christmas” on the 14th of December might be interested to know that there will also be carol singing just round the corner from us. This will be the third week of making space in the loreburne centre, and […]

Making Christmas 24 News

St Andrews Day

(Nov. the 30th) Final preparations for “Making Christmas” are underway! We will be setting up in the Loreburn Centre on Saturday. Come and drop in to say hi and make something! If you’d like to help out please have a chat with Simon. More info here