Creative Worship Mission

50 days later

The festivities of Easter weekend, and the Easter holidays are over. Scotland is still constrained by lockdown precautions. What did the first Christians feel like during the days between pascha and pentecost? After around 2000 years you might think that the surprise is worn out, but has it? All living beings adapt to survive. I’m […]

climate change Fresh Expressions Lent Mission Uncategorized


Today’s lent thinking revolves around Jesus praying in Gethsemane. The story describes him feeling powerful emotions as he anticipates where his path will lead him. Most people avoid fear and anger and the situations where we may experience these emotional states. There is a tradition of “Via Negitiva” though. I react badly to (hate?) Disney […]

climate change creation Mission

Tuesday the 16th – Climate Change.

Today is the day (16th of March) The Eco Congregation Scotland network are running a series of events to help you think about things you can do in response to climate change. Especially since representatives of the current ‘winners’ in the status quo are gathering in Glasgow this year. You may wish to sign up […]

Mission Thought of the Day


Our stewardship course met on Burns night this recently. The text we looked at was about bickering pharisees and a man who tried to hoard his wealth rather than share his windfall. (read it here) It seems that if Burns invested in anything it was in experiences, and the words to describe them. His sponsors […]

Creative Worship Mission prayers

Something for Epiphany

Mission Thought of the Day

Learning to love

“Raising kids during climate catastrophe” (a point of view from the USA) How can something as simple as lighting a candle move you from one ‘bubble’ of normal into another? Well, it takes time, but our hearts will learn to lie where we spend our time – whether that’s in a building we say is […]

Mission Thought of the Day


When the Israelites decide that they want a king, like other nations, they are told by their prophet that the king will take their children, their wealth, and the best of their produce. They go ahead with it anyway and choose Saul. The idea that the rich get rich from the work of the poor […]



There is a reality in words. There is a reality in deeds. When one is lacking it is challenged to perform by the other. The aim should be to use words to inspire deeds though, and great deeds inspire songs and poetry. Or, perhaps simply a like, smile or love emojii. Here are some examples […]