#SensingSpirituality Lent 2025

Ash Wednesday

A crowd of us gathered to eat pancakes last night. A variety of toppings were enjoyed. Some were dairy free, some gluten free. Spam fritters featured. The pancakes included “Drop Scones (Scotch Pancakes)”, “Crepes”, Ukrainian style, and both sweet and savoury. The conversation flowed and saints were discussed as well as more everyday matters. Here […]

Lent 2025

Buffet of Saints

Looking for someone to walk through Lent with? The days of the year can be a reminder of the cloud of brothers and sisters we live in an eternal communion with. The whole Church year is structured to tell the gospel story too, linked with the northern hemisphere seasonal changes! The chunk of time called […]

Lent 2025

Prepare for Lent!

Shrove Tuesday Please get in touch if you’d like directions. We will have pancakes, bring your favourite toppings to share. Drop in between 6 and 8 pm! If you’d like, you could also bring ideas of saints to walk with during Lent as this will be our CLC theme this year. If you like, you […]

CLC Lent 2025

Lent 25

Walking with the Saints (Ash Wednesday is the 5th of March, Easter Sunday is 20th April) We have been looking at a book called “Restoring the Woven Cord” at our CLC meetings. The book introduced themes like creativity, or community and using the life story of a saint. Each time we meet one of us […]

#SensingSpirituality Lent

Quartz Lent

Throughout Lent the Quartz group will continue to meet every second week. We are taking time out to think about “Glimmers of Light in Daily Life”. The next meetup will be on Monday the 29th of Jan. 7.30 at Simon and Kate’s. We are exploring the theme of #SensingSpirituality in the run up to Easter. […]

Creative Worship Ignation Spirituality Lent Lent 2022

Quartz Lent 7/3/22

The next Quartz lent meeting will be one of contemplative reflection. This basically means that people can talk, and be actively listened too, but it isn’t a time for critical bible study or deep rational analysis. This balances up the other Lent meetings where we will by exploring set questions and discussion to work out […]

Lent Mission Theology


Who would be interested in gathering round a table to spend time thinking about what it is to become a missional community? I’ve had a basic introduction to this resource and it is an engaging tool for helping think about what church community is and could become. There is a video describing it here: It’s […]


Quartz Lent 2022

Tried in the wilderness This year we are starting with the spiritual nourishment we have found. Perhaps this is in our church activities, perhaps it is in our everyday lives. Wilderness experiences may draw our attention to them, or it might be that we have taken something from our abundance and have “tried it out” […]

Lent Thought of the Day

Moving On

The journey through Lent is completed now. Quartz met as a group during it, but I also know that other people have enjoyed just reading the posts and walking along in their own way. Whichever of these approaches you identify with if you have found this way of doing things helpful please consider the ongoing […]


Level up?

“Levelling up” is something which happens when all the experience gained in a game is used by the player to improve their characters skills. Some games make this a very detailed process, and some players spend a lot of time working out the best way to spend their experience points so that they can complete […]