Forest Church

August Forest Church

Sunday the 18th of August 2024 We plan to gather again to meet in peace and worship with our surroundings at the Crichton estate. Gather at 2pm outside the Crichton chapel. We will meet in peace and then read from the Bible and Creation. Peace We meet in in Christs name. Whether you call him […]

Forest Church

June 24 Forest Church

We met in June as Forest Church to take part in some “Flow” activities. Here is a slide show as a reminder – and an invitation to those who are able to join us.

Forest Church

July Forest Church

Unseen connections It is the summer months, we didn’t meet in the Crichton this month but here is a gallery of photos sent in of people doing Forest Church where they were. After being contacted by Sarah as part of the “Creative Church Building” event, Simon and Kate finally managed to arrange a visit to […]

climate change creation Forest Church


Domination, Paternalism, or Participation? How do we relate to the land, and how should we relate to it? In the theme of rewilding ecological science and the theology of forest church come together, if you are willing to risk being described as a little mad. There are a lot of links you can click on […]

#SensingSpirituality Forest Church

Summer Wandering

What does it mean to “Find Jesus in the trees”, or in daily life, or a shared bite to eat and drink? Jesus himself is recorded as talking about people “finding” the Kingdom of heaven while doing ordinary task like grinding grain. Perhaps you are someone who catches a glimpse of the Rule of God […]

Forest Church

The Nettle Dress

The Church can offer a lot to help people access their heritage. To rediscover hedgerow culture, slow art, and a creative reaction against the ultra sophistication world we live in. Here is something sent in by Alison to inspire you. Perhaps we should take some time to consider the lilies, and let the ideas bloom.

Forest Church

June QFC “Flow”

Quartz Forest Church, 16th June 2024 Intro As usual we will meet outside the Crichton chapel at 2pm. There are no facilities, bring a portable chair if you’d like to perch for a while. We will walk round the grounds and adapt what we do in order to work with our surrounding environment rather than […]

Forest Church

QFC May 19.05.24

After a busy weekend it was a pleasure to slow down and relax in the beautiful environment of the Crichton. This was complemented by refreshments and conversation. We have been exploring the Crichton estate for several years now but every time we return the green, the growth and the subtle changes inspire. Perhaps that is […]

Creative Worship CW resources Forest Church

Muddy Church

Do you get stuck when you try to think of things to do?Fans of Forest Church activities, or simply those who want to “wander and wonder” might find these Muddy Church resources handy. They are free at point of access, but please support the artists by using their Ko-Fi link on the page.

climate change Forest Church

Forest Church May 2024

Summertime … We will meet, as is our custom, at 2pm outside the Crichton chapel. Dress for the weather, and bring what you need to be comfortable walking around the grounds. We will meet in the peace of Jesus, read from the Bible and read from the environment. Many of us will have had a […]