2021 Review Fresh Expressions


(Click the box above to view a glideshow) It is difficult to describe what this service looked like. It would have been unfamiliar to many, but contains very familiar themes. The slide show above is of a presentation that was projected onto a screen. Masking tape was used to trace out a diagram of senses […]

2021 Review Fresh Expressions Thought of the Day


What does pioneering look like? Perhaps some of you are thinking about the wild west. Cutting blazes on trees to mark a path through the Appalachian forests? Or Royal Naval officers blundering foolhardy into unmapped landscapes determined to preserve their Englishness through custom and dress, even if it meant frostbite and cannibalism. Books like Kepharts […]

2021 Review Creative Worship Fresh Expressions

A Typical 3 Months

What does a typical 3 Months in Quartz look like? This is a bit like asking what typical weather is like in a Scottish day. There will be a recognisable constant of four seasons, and at certain times of the year it is more probable that one will dominate the others. It is quite likely […]

Fresh Expressions Mission

Time to Reflect

There is a flow between thinking and doing. It is good to plan ahead, but sometimes you just need to get stuck in and get on with it. This was the approach we took with Quartz. The time has come now to sit back and reflect on what has happened, remember why we started out […]

climate change Fresh Expressions Lent Mission Uncategorized


Today’s lent thinking revolves around Jesus praying in Gethsemane. The story describes him feeling powerful emotions as he anticipates where his path will lead him. Most people avoid fear and anger and the situations where we may experience these emotional states. There is a tradition of “Via Negitiva” though. I react badly to (hate?) Disney […]

creation Creative Worship Fresh Expressions Outerweave

Creative Worship

This video was made in 2017. It shows a range of things which have been carried out in partnership with St Johns church in Dumfries which involve visual arts. What will you be inspired to seek out where you are?

Creative Worship Fresh Expressions Lent

Kingdom or Earworm?

A busker sets up on the high street. Some people nod and keep walking, some pause to listen, some start dancing. Still more record and share on their phones, or go home and find some piping. Others find some string and a box, or spoons, or even click on a digital tip jar. The music […]

Febreflection Fresh Expressions

Faith and Art

It takes a lot of faith to be an artist. Politicians will tell you that you are unnecessary whilst relying on the creative industries to get their message accross. People will ask you what your proper job is, while you fight the preasure to place profit and exploitative working practices above integrity and your vocation. […]

Fresh Expressions Thought of the Day

Star searching

We left the house and went searching for a star. It’s so overcast that we couldn’t see geese overhead (though we heard them), let alone the conjunction of Jupter and Saturn. We didn’t see the star. However, in our journeying we discovered many interesting things while we journeyed. It was also just good to get […]

Creative Worship Fresh Expressions prayers

Celebration Earth

Visit the page This page is collecting poems, reflections and examples of the myriad of ways in which people express the good they see in celebration. Check it out, send in tour thoughts….