Arts Easter2024

Lent and Easter Cross

Andy Brooke Stained Glass Art Two stained glass crosses are currently hanging in St Johns Church building. They represent the journey towards Easter and the meeting of heaven and earth through an empty tomb. We encourage you to read the artists own words though! – on his blog. And the Lent cross which we posted […]

#SensingMeaningfulness Easter2024 Forest Church

Easter Sunday 2024

Fish on coals by the water Inspired by the story of Jesus meeting his disciples on the beach we meet up by the river and eat together on Easter Sunday. We practice #SensingMeaningfulness and reflect on the experiences of Lent leading to Easter Sunday. We started by simply walking out along the river bank after […]

#SensingSpirituality Easter2024 Forest Church pilgrimage

Easter 2024 Mini-pilgrimage

This Easter Quartz explored the spiritual landscape near St Johns. Seven of us, and a dog, from within St Johns and the wider community visited Lincluden Abbey, and the 12 Apostles stone circle. The day was set up to allow people to drop in for activities and to travel by car, or on foot. Some […]

#SensingSpirituality Creative Worship Easter2024 Forest Church

Easter 2024

Quartz Holy Saturday Pilgrimage and Easter Sunday Forest Church BBQ (30th and 31st of March) Holy Saturday On Saturday the 30th we are planning a pilgrimage. We will gather outside St Johns building and then travel to Lincluden Abbey. After a pause for reflection there we will continue on, and thousands of years back in […]