
A Hidden Gift

In what ways might a treasure hidden in a Galloway field for around 1000 years be linked with gifts given in Bethlemhem 2000 years ago? What could this mean for us in the present moment? Find out some answers and more questions by coming along to the contemporary service in St John’s church 6pm of […]


Tower of Light

This Sunday (the 19th of December) we have our monthly Forest Church meeting the Stove are creating an interesting installation called The Tower of Light This seemed like just the sort of event that could be a shared spiritual space. It explores themes of light and darkeness that are core to the Christmas story. […]

AngelCanopy Arts Community Creative Worship

St John’s Canopies pt. 2

On several occasions we have used stars. This post combines work from several installations and settings. We adapted our approach for each setting to work appropriately with the setting. In a general sense we used the craft of making paper stars as a way to help participants reflect on “Wishes” and work out which of […]


Quartz Updates

News, information, and personal reflections from members of the Quartz community. If you could like to contribute, please get in touch. We also have a WhatsApp “Glimmers” group where people post photos, thoughts and phrases that mark moments when they sense the presence of God in their daily lives. (Statements etc. reflect individual authors perspectives, […]