#SensingSpirituality Making Christmas 24

Pop Idols

If you landed as an alien in Scotland who, or what, would you think was worshiped at this time of year? The ancient world made the invisible, visible, by carving idols. People wore charms or wrote sacred texts on their door frames. Modern society in scotland went through a purge where this was burned from […]

Arts Faith_and_Art_2025 News

Faith and Art

Welcome the New Year 2025 with creativity. A series of practical sessions exploring the relationship between Faith, Art and Creativity. Four Wednesdays in January 1pm to 3pm

Making Christmas 24 News


Saturday the 14th of December Those of you who are volunteering at, or dropping in to, “Making Christmas” on the 14th of December might be interested to know that there will also be carol singing just round the corner from us. This will be the third week of making space in the loreburne centre, and […]

Making Christmas 24 News

St Andrews Day

(Nov. the 30th) Final preparations for “Making Christmas” are underway! We will be setting up in the Loreburn Centre on Saturday. Come and drop in to say hi and make something! If you’d like to help out please have a chat with Simon. More info here

Arts News

Making Christmas

St Andrews Day

#SensingSpirituality Arts Making Christmas 24 News

Help Make Christmas!

An opportunity to take time out in the run up to Christmas 2024. You are invited to help by volunteering, or simply drop in. As mentioned in a previous post, Wordsmith Crafts has a space in the Loreburn centre in Dumfries every Saturday from St. Andrews day to the weekend of the 21st/22nd Quartz volunteers, […]

Arts Theology Thought of the Day

John Bell in conversation

Do you remember when John Bell came to talk with us at St Johns? We had to change venue to down the street so that there would be enough seats for everyone to fit in. Follow the link to watch him chatting with Ricky Ross about a wide range of topics which affect the whole […]

Arts News

Making Christmas

As Christmas approaches the light will be switched on in Dumfries. Shops are already gearing up with their advertising, and your diary is probably filling up. Perhaps you feel under pressure, or those around you do. The relationship of the Church to Christmas is complicated. It is tempting to think that this was simpler in […]



Every October some artists take on the challenge of inking. This post highlights contributions made by artists involved in Quartz There are rules but they are more like guidelines. There are daily prompts throughout October, or due to the success of the original idea you can participate throught the whole year. There are no prizes, […]

#SensingSpirituality Arts Creative Worship

Creative Industry

The most common comments I receive about creative worship fall into two categories. “How can I be more creative?” and “That must take a long time to do”. I think both observations are true, so here are some thoughts from a lifetime based on reflecting about them. From the beginning God is described as creator. […]