Arts Creative Worship Thought of the Day

Happy Easter!

Have you decorated any eggs this year? With supermarkets and global supply chains it is easy to forget that for thousands of years eggs were only available when the sun returned and daylight hours lengthened. As well as looking like the stone which could be rolled away from the tomb for Jesus to walk out, […]

Arts Creative Worship Fresh Expressions

Hear me, Smith of the Heavens

This beauty has been created by a band called Árstíðir It’s title is “Heyr himna smiður” Which can be translated as “Hear me Smith of the Heavens”. More info on it can be found here. I’m posting it here in order to use it as part of a discussion about pioneer ministry on Saturday. In […]

Angel Cloud


A longer post today, inspired by thoughts of war which once again fill my social media feed, and mind. …When I tell the story of Ragnarock I grieve. It follows Loki telling too much truth, harshly. It is the breaking of oaths, conflict between those who should be family. It is the twighlight that follows […]

Forest Church Outerweave

St. Brides Day

St. Bride, or St Brigit of Kildare, is a category 6 saint in the Scottish Episcopal Church Liturgy. For those unfamiliar with the number categories, this means that she is recognised as a person worth special recognition but that remembering this every year is a matter for local discretion. So why is she significant for […]



We have passed through Christmas. The season is a welcome break in the drich winters of Scotland. There is light on the streets, and many people take the opportunity to do something special – even during Covid times. In the public gaze, all eyes are drawn to the stable and the birth of Jesus. Beyond […]

climate change

COP 26 Prayer Boats

Join in and set sail for climate Justice News Sent in By Lizzie, Some of us are meeting up on Monday morning to help each other explore prayer as a community. Lizzie has suggested that we make some boats! Not just in case the sea levels rise, but because politicians are meeting in Glasgow to […]


Quartz Updates

News, information, and personal reflections from members of the Quartz community. If you could like to contribute, please get in touch. We also have a WhatsApp “Glimmers” group where people post photos, thoughts and phrases that mark moments when they sense the presence of God in their daily lives. (Statements etc. reflect individual authors perspectives, […]

Febreflection Thought of the Day

Standing in Stones

#SensingSpirituality is not restricted to religon or religious people. There are places which draw you in. ‘Most people, when they stand in an ancient stone circle, can sense the timeless presence of the place… …There is a temptation to be still and to ponder what surrounds you…. …There are ties and bonds between all people […]


!st Sunday in Lent

Aye, it is an exclamation mark. This is not a typo. The Quartz Lent 2021 Sunday discussion group can be joined here The daily “Knowing Jesus” material and readings have started by exploring the start of the ministry of Jesus. He reveals God to us. – what does that mean? He is in communication with […]

Creative Worship Lent prayers

Knowing Jesus

Lent – 2021 Quartz Lent group How can we help each other journey to Easter in these strange times? Collectively, and in our households. You are invited to join our Lent study group from the 17th of February to Sunday the 4th of April. We will use the “Knowing Jesus” material available online from the […]