
Quartz Updates

These posts are a collection of news, information, and personal reflections from members of the Quartz community. If you could like to contribute, please get in touch. If you prefer something more spontaneous, we also have a WhatsApp “Glimmers” group where people post photos, thoughts and phrases that mark moments when they sense the presence […]

Febreflection Thought of the Day

Standing in Stones

#SensingSpirituality is not restricted to religon or religious people. There are places which draw you in. ‘Most people, when they stand in an ancient stone circle, can sense the timeless presence of the place… …There is a temptation to be still and to ponder what surrounds you…. …There are ties and bonds between all people […]


!st Sunday in Lent

Aye, it is an exclamation mark. This is not a typo. The Quartz Lent 2021 Sunday discussion group can be joined here The daily “Knowing Jesus” material and readings have started by exploring the start of the ministry of Jesus. He reveals God to us. – what does that mean? He is in communication with […]

Creative Worship Lent prayers

Knowing Jesus

Lent – 2021 Quartz Lent group How can we help each other journey to Easter in these strange times? Collectively, and in our households. You are invited to join our Lent study group from the 17th of February to Sunday the 4th of April. We will use the “Knowing Jesus” material available online from the […]


2nd Sunday Liturgy (Nov)

This is the liturgy we will use for the 2nd Sunday in November Creative worship

Creative Worship

Sunday the 10th of May

Creative Worship on Sunday the 10th of May Use the resources here in your own time. Join us online between 7 and 8 pm on Sunday evening to discuss the theme of “How can we describe a relationship with God”. We may even have some musical worship too. How to do this will be published […]