#SensingSpirituality creation Forest Church


At the CLC meeting last night we watched “Brother Sun, Sister Moon” as a group. We had a short chat about the experience afterwards, but there was a lot to take in. Themes of #SensingChallenge and wealth vs poverty were particularly relevant to the season of Lent we are in. The emphasis on meeting God […]

Forest Church


Start exploring the word here But walk out into the green and pause for a moment to sense the life springing around you. You can find out more about Hildegard Von Bingen at this website

Thought of the Day


Is holiness the preserve of white gowned angels singing a perfected concert of praise? Or is that an artists impression intended to inspire you to seek out a very ordinary existence, but where things taste right and people are gentle with each other. Or when you see people in gritty everyday work but living together […]


Winter 24

After all the hustle and bustle of the Scottish festive season as currently experienced, there is a lull while the weather is still cold and the chill mists still cling. So here is a post from another blog that I thought might be relevant! A picture and a poem (and a reading as well if […]

Forest Church


Quartz Forest Church November 2022 This month at forest church we engaged in a wee bit of displaying arboreal affection (DofAA) and made some lanterns. The framework for us meeting to work together to worship can be read here, so I won’t repeat it. Instead, here are a few of the photos and insights from […]

Arts Forest Church

Forest Lanterns

Forest Church and Light in the darkness We have spent a year getting to know the Crichton estate now. Those of us who have met each month certainly have a better feel for the place, and we have got to know each other better too. We didn’t exclusively meet on the estate, and so this […]

Theology Thought of the Day

God of the Living

Most of life is filled with questions about “what”and “how”. What do you want to do to day? How will we manage that? Then someone will answer the first question with “For everyone to be happy” or “to have fun” and the second question often becomes very difficult to answer. This may be because a […]

Forest Church Fresh Expressions Thought of the Day

A Dynamic Unity (I)

From our discussions, some observations from Alison, blogged by Simon for Quartz. If you think about it, in the bible we meet God as a bush, or at least Moses does in his story. We also meet God as a bird descending onto a humans head in the story of the baptism of Jesus. Of […]

Fresh Expressions Thought of the Day


Lock down forced a lot of people to spend more time with a few people in a small physical area. It also expanded the daily lives to catch up with old friends who are geographically distant (for those of us connected online at least). Another recent experience is the growth of staycationing, slow tourism, and […]

Thought of the Day

Put on your ‘Steel’ Shirt

The news is full of how tough things are going to get. There are many reasons to be angry. The scary aspects of human being are banging on our awareness like a noisy gong. It is tempting to hunker down in a bunker and block everything out with a wall of iron. Like working through […]