#SensingSpirituality Forest Church


March 2025 Forest Church Our last post describes what we set out to do, this one is a small insight into what happened. It is written from my perspective, but if you were there or joined in online please use the comments to add to it! We read from texts and creation. It interests me […]

#SensingSpirituality Arts

God is good

Yesterday evening at the Contemporary Service in St Johns we reflected on the theme “God is good”. We were encouraged to think about where and what we recognise as good. As part of our creative response we spent some time reflecting on where we see good things. We used a drawing of a tree to […]

CLC Lent 2025

Lent 25

Walking with the Saints (Ash Wednesday is the 5th of March, Easter Sunday is 20th April) We have been looking at a book called “Restoring the Woven Cord” at our CLC meetings. The book introduced themes like creativity, or community and using the life story of a saint. Each time we meet one of us […]

Forest Church Thought of the Day

Autumn Equinox

Yesterday was the autumn equinox. Day and night balance each other. It is celebrated in many ways. Some of these are flourishings from Christendom, some look for earlier roots and others might just be instinctive urges to drink something special and warming. At the contemporary service in St John’s we built a machine. The processes […]

Thought of the Day


When words run out. Can we pray in colours? If God is Love, and we are Loves children, then when we are caught up in moments of immersion in beauty and the experience of Love are we praying? The sunset over an ocean. A moment of noticing the character of light on the leaves of […]

#SensingSpirituality Arts Creative Worship

Creative Industry

The most common comments I receive about creative worship fall into two categories. “How can I be more creative?” and “That must take a long time to do”. I think both observations are true, so here are some thoughts from a lifetime based on reflecting about them. From the beginning God is described as creator. […]

#SensingSpirituality Arts Theology Thought of the Day


A spirituality of making The scars on the Ruthwell cross are witness to the troubled relationship Christians have with art. We are physical beings who need a world of sensations, we are also spiritual beings who can sense a realm that is more than simply physical. The Bible is filled with references to God crafting, […]

Thought of the Day

Speed of Stone

What time scale measures your life? In an age of 24/7/265 with ultrafast connectivity young people are still searching for rivers and lochs to swim in. This is the time of year to pick brambles from the hedgerows and enjoy the occasional day when the summer lingers. If you want your dream to beTake your […]

Thought of the Day

Home Mission

Dumfries may seem far removed from the recent rioting in England, but did you know that there have been people delivering far right anti-immigration leaflets through doors in the area? This article in Christianity Today ask some questions about the practice of Churches in the UK sending missionaries abroad. They also highlight some of the […]

Creative Worship Thought of the Day

Metal Methodist

What makes you feel at home? Jesus says that there are many rooms in his fathers house, I’m hoping that in some of them I’ll be able to settle down and listen to sludge metal and let the deep peace of the soundscape wash over me. Here is a welcome from the Metal Methodist Church […]