Electric or Fossil fuel vehicle? If you value restoring a right relationship with the rest of creation then environmental impact is a big concern. How can you make the best choice? Everything has an impact, but the impact of oil use, and fossil fuels in general, has been off the scale. This is a global […]
Author: admin
This Easter Quartz explored the spiritual landscape near St Johns. Seven of us, and a dog, from within St Johns and the wider community visited Lincluden Abbey, and the 12 Apostles stone circle. The day was set up to allow people to drop in for activities and to travel by car, or on foot. Some […]
Creative Church Building
Save the Date! Saturday the 18th of May we are inviting people to gather together for a morning exploring Creative Church Building. There will be opportunities to try things out, discuss, and learn to use tools encouraging creativity and spiritual growth. The day will be guided by Rev Dr Maggie McTernan who, among many other […]
Forest Church
We will gather at 2pm outside the Crichton chapel on Sunday the 17th of March It is the fith Sunday in Lent, which means that St Patrick gets bumped to Monday. Following his example though, I think we might spend some time considering the solidness of stone, the speed of lightning and other truths of […]
Land Art
ANDY GOLDSWORTHY is one of the pioneers of land art. Galloway was his playground for a while, but you will have to search out the tracks of his influence. The story is told that when he first explored making art in this way he was told to take photos of it, otherwise how could he […]
Lent Cross
If you are able to drop in to the St Johns building in Dumfries you will be able to see the latest art installation. Andy Brook has crafted a cross for the Lent journey. Themes of nails and thorns contribute to a glass so heavily stained that it takes time and effort to find the […]
Thinking Day
Contemplation through cameras. “World Thinking Day” is an international event started by the girl guides and recognised by the scouts too. You can read more about it here Quartz has worked with Stephen Ross before to capture the light reflected from mirrors in one of our Christmas installations. The pictures in this post comes from […]
Simple Things
This picture is a throw away thing. But if you look at the number of people who have seen it that’s about 2200 folk thinking of Jesus, God in human form, with a smile on their faces. What would St Ignatius think? Perhaps their thoughts won’t have been the deepest of contemplations, but how often […]
Quartz Holy Saturday Pilgrimage and Easter Sunday Forest Church BBQ (30th and 31st of March) Holy Saturday On Saturday the 30th we are planning a pilgrimage. We will gather outside St Johns building and then travel to Lincluden Abbey. After a pause for reflection there we will continue on, and thousands of years back in […]
Iron Galls
Ink is kinda magical. “It’s a bridge between the world of flesh and blood and the world of thoughts and dreams”. Can you imagine how the first people to see books and realise how they work felt? Have you ever wondered about the social and spiritual effects of introducing the technology of the printing press? […]