pilgrimage Youth

Harvest Feast

A celebration of heritage with a Feast in Summerhill We are planning an event to celebrate harvest, build community, and help people enter into their heritage in the company of the saints, living and departed! Thos interested in exploring heritage through cooking, eating, making, and immersive character building needed! Since 2020 Wordsmith Crafts has been […]

Forest Church

Riverside Animals

How much time have you spent thinking about the riverside? More photos, thoughts, and comments have been sent in following our August Forest Church. Perhaps our time out to reflect will have prepared participants for when ecology, spiritual exploration, community celebration of nature, and the arts will overlap this Saturday at NithRaid. Come and find […]

Forest Church


August Forest Church 2024 We gathered outside the chapel, and were surprised by foraged brambles! Walking through the estate we thought about animals, and what they can teach us. We gathered materials to make masks, as described here We then sat around the tables and discussed the fruits of our reflections whilst making masks. If […]

Forest Church

August Forest Church

Sunday the 18th of August 2024 We plan to gather again to meet in peace and worship with our surroundings at the Crichton estate. Gather at 2pm outside the Crichton chapel. We will meet in peace and then read from the Bible and Creation. Peace We meet in in Christs name. Whether you call him […]


Ukrainian Visit

August Update I’m very pleased to write that the group of Ukrainian teachers and pupils have managed to raise enough funds for their trip. Passports, visas, travel and accommodation have all been sorted. That’s not to say that more contributions are not welcome! But now we are finalising the programme the last few donations make […]

Creative Worship

News from the West

Connections are building up during the summer months of wandering. Here is a selection of news from around the region. Church Without Walls Anthony Duncalf came to our creative church building day. He has sent in a list of interesting activities. So particularly if you live in the west of the south west please get […]

Forest Church

June 24 Forest Church

We met in June as Forest Church to take part in some “Flow” activities. Here is a slide show as a reminder – and an invitation to those who are able to join us.

Forest Church

July Forest Church

Unseen connections It is the summer months, we didn’t meet in the Crichton this month but here is a gallery of photos sent in of people doing Forest Church where they were. After being contacted by Sarah as part of the “Creative Church Building” event, Simon and Kate finally managed to arrange a visit to […]


Elsieshields Quiet Morning

The next first Saturday of the month gathering will be a Quiet Morning.  It will be lovely to see those of you who can make it.  It is a chance to gather together, to be strengthened by our friendship and to find peace and refreshment in the spirit of Our Lord. Tea, coffee and biscuits […]

#SensingSpirituality Forest Church

Summer Wandering

What does it mean to “Find Jesus in the trees”, or in daily life, or a shared bite to eat and drink? Jesus himself is recorded as talking about people “finding” the Kingdom of heaven while doing ordinary task like grinding grain. Perhaps you are someone who catches a glimpse of the Rule of God […]