Fresh Expressions Thought of the Day


The spiritual practice of gardening. For some the step forward will be the experience of working with their hands, growing things, and encountering a primitive world to balance a lifestyle of technology and 24/7/365 artificial light. By relinquishing their acknowledged position of dominance they can restore the relationship. For others it will be access to […]

Thought of the Day


This post is not about crafts. It refers to an event which never happened. It can also reveal a powerful truth. Truth is a complicated concept, but learning wisdom through meditating about truth provides a secure foundation for life.

Thought of the Day

Disaster Shamanism

I’m reposting this because it’s from a while ago, which means it can be read to see if it stands the test of time. Lots of words which may be unfamiliar to people! but then again, lots of words which may explain the motivation of the clowns you see parking boats in the middle of […]


This too, is prayer.

We ran an interweave called “This too is prayer” a while ago. We explored how everyday actions communicate the relationships which form us and our relationship with God. This prayer reminded me to be mindful of the meaning that can be found in the moment of preparing to leave the house, or enter a crowd. […]



The thoughts, dreaming and poetry from last months creative worship. Clicking this link will take you to a page with all the blog posts about 2nd Sunday creative worship events.


November 2nd Sunday Creative Worship

Please use the pop up to register, e-mail Quartz(AT) or phone 07572 006290. When you register, please say how many people are in your household group! this will help us plan the layout. We will meet online as well as in St Johns. The creative response will involve clay and Psalm 46, which seemed particularly […]


Outerweave in leaves?

Art is part responding to the invisible urges of the moment, and part trudging through debris to carve out a new furrow. Each artist has their own methods, but for me I relish the importance of wildness in the way I work. I expect, and look out for, moments and find that this is rewarded […]


November 2nd Sunday

The nights are drawing in and the clocks have changed so the next few 2nd Sunday creative worship services are changing too. If you are up for it, the plan will be to meet in St Johns hall. Hopefully online too! The service would start at 1500 (GMT) and run till 1600. We plan to […]

Fresh Expressions

Wild Faith

I stumbled upon a conversation that interested me this morning. I do this fairly frequently, wander around the internet but taking time to intentionally recognise the beautiful and true things I find there. I have even described and presented some of them as cyber pilgrimages. The conversation I enjoyed this morning was about wilding though, […]


Reconciliation 3rd Sunday Update

There are still brambles on the bushes, apples ripe for picking on the tree. The yard is secluded, and the birds find space to sing. This is an industrial yard, a coal yard, but times have changed and its use has changed with them. There is broadband so we can meet transatlantic friends and pray […]