Fresh Expressions Thought of the Day


#SensingSpirituality #SensingMystery I’m spending most of today exploring Myths from outside the canon of scripture, and tomorrow I’ll be telling Viking era stories that most will dismiss as simple children’s tales. Why would I be doing that? The Church tradition I was brought up in laid a strong emphasis on understanding the meaning of scripture. […]

Forest Church

Forest Church 17 July

– He Restores My Soul Meeting in Christ’s name and sharing the peace We meet in Christs name – whether you consider yourself close friends, or are just curious, all are welcome – we share his peace. Reading – Psalm 23: 1-4 – The Lord is my Shepherd Response Finding water in the Japanese Garden […]

Fresh Expressions

June Forest Church

Please click the links to go to YouTube videos. We are working on the tech issue. We sang about God’s light; we listened to light filled stories from Jesus’ resurrection and ascension and the coming of the Holy Spirit with wind and fire. We made rubbings of plants in the garden and made photos […]



Words Drawing out Bringing awareness and form To the beauty which lies within. Photos of books made by Alison Fair-Bixler


Forest Church Teddy Bears

A quick look at the Labyrinth we made for the recent St Johns Dumfries Teddy Bear festival. As part of the much larger gathering of teddy bears, Quartz contributed some hanging platforms and a labyrinth. The Labyrinth offered time for reflection – and in the centre a colloquoy of Cathbad’s (some more bear-like that others) […]

Thought of the Day


Alison has been part of quartz before that name was even chosen. She had a cause she feels deeply about, and tells that story here. Please take a moment to consider supporting her, and the cause she is supporting.

Forest Church Thought of the Day

Teddy Bear Festival

Where, when, do you learn emotional truth? Toys and childhood play help us become the adults who have the luxury of asking such questions. Teddy bears have their own nostalgic niche. The process of experiencing feelings of attachment, separation and developing skills of emotional resilience can developed whether with a bear or a “my little […]

Forest Church Fresh Expressions

Quartz Forest Church

2pm outside the Crichton chapel today! Workshop God with the whole of creation on a beautiful day in the summer.

Forest Church

A wee advert.

Forest Church

Forest Church Intro