Two years ago in 2022 we set up this display as a response to the attack on Ukraine. Around the world in the last few days people have been remembering that the conflict continues. Every year Christians start a journey through Lent. Knowing that Easter Sunday is coming we can voluntarily enter the ‘wilderness’. […]
Author: admin
We went out to Elshieshields for some stargazing last weekend. We enjoyed a combination of looking at stars, reflecting on ancient meanings, and learning with modern technology. We were made welcome with a warm bothy where we could gather for refreshment. The evening was overcast, but we were able to see the moon and Jupiter […]
Silent Prayer, Elshieshields
If you liked the stargazing evening, perhaps this will interest you: The new year is upon us and with it the restart of our programme here at Elshieshields.Silent Prayer is on Saturday 6 January, as usual, 9.30 to 10.30. It will be lovely to see those of you who can make it. It is a […]
Social media
At first glance you may wonder about the relevance of this article to a blog on spirituality. But pause for a moment and consider the effects of the introduction of the printing press. The massive social change which accompanied the use of this tool contributed to and depended on revolutionary new approaches to information at […]
Brother Sun Sister Moon
A story of St Francis Have you seen this film? I was introduced to it recently and thought it was beautiful in so many ways. It is an artists impression of a life rather than a historians, but for more information about his life you could start here:
Pancake party!
Mostly a chance to get together, but there will also be ways to artisticly respond to the season. Please contact us if you need directions.
Forest Church Special
February Stargazing We will gather as usual at 2pm on Sunday the 18th of February outside the Crichton Chapel to practice #SensingSpirituality We will also have a spring special. Before the clocks change we will have an evening looking at the stars. Thanks to the hospitality of Ann Shuckman we will hold this at Elsieshields […]
The discovery of Genes has revolutionised the way in which the world is understood and changed using science. Have you heard of “Memes” though? Pirate radio, being able to buy music on single you could play at home and share with your friends, disposable income at a young age, and a reasonable economy – these […]
This story might be familiar to you, but what happens if you read it imaginatively ? Do you imagine yourself as the seed, the sower, or elsewhere in the farming environment? The story can be found in the collection of books here: What was the storyteller thinking of when the story was told, or […]
Quartz Lent
Throughout Lent the Quartz group will continue to meet every second week. We are taking time out to think about “Glimmers of Light in Daily Life”. The next meetup will be on Monday the 29th of Jan. 7.30 at Simon and Kate’s. We are exploring the theme of #SensingSpirituality in the run up to Easter. […]