It is quite warm at the moment in Dumfries. Warm and humid with a thunderstorm waiting to break. This potential could go anywhere, but until it is released it is difficult to shake the cloying muggy feel of it all.
I am fairly sure that this is not an experience unique to me.
On Sunday we have our introduction to The Examen online and in person where prudent. Here is a short example I found helpful tis evening.
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Just wanted to share thoughts from the other days session.
The examen workshop challenged me to look at parts of life / me I don’t want to see and made me see the reality of things more deeply, things as they are rather than my idealistic view, which has its place but perhaps is exhausting to uphold. Makes me see things aren’t great and they’re not terrible. This actually makes it easier to hope for a better future. I was putting so much effort into fabricating my present reality as incredibly astounding, gorgeous and perfect, that it made me anxious about losing what I have. It’s okay to see things aren’t okay in the world and know it. I’ve felt like I have to pretend a bit, this view is a bit of a relief / release. Like when the worst happens and it doesn’t feel as bad as all the worrying before, it’s the constant threat which is unbearable.
My only constructive feedback was to get us all to share something about how we pray etc. before bringing the new perspectives in.
I too found some comfort in the thought that we can face the problems of life and accept their reality knowing that God is there and with us. There’s a lot less point to running away from that place.
From a recent Pray as You Go examen: “breathe in life in consolation, breathe in God’s love in desolation.” I will bring more when we meet…