This is a challenge is to record a moment where you sense something:
“True, honourable, just, pure, pleasing, commendable, excellent or worthy of praise.”
Set yourself a target for February. It might be to do something once a day, or once a week,
You could keep it to yourself in a notebook, and perhaps it will help stop the days from blurring into one another.
Aim for something it is realistic for you to achieve. (And don’t be too hard on yourself if it doesn’t work out)
If you are willing you could post a picture of your notebook, or make a comment here – or on another form of social media – and share your insight.
Tag the post #Febreflection and that will mean I can collect things together and provide updates on the Quartz blog posts.
8 Finally, beloved,[a] whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about[b] these things.

Please only send Quartz images you have copyright to use.
If you are unsure, and you didn’t make the image, you probably don’t have it.
By sending us images, you are giving Quartz permission to use the image on and offline as part of #Febreflect (please include any creative commons or other attributation – if you think we are using your creativity unfairly, please let Quartz know and we will do our best to make amends).
This might seem like a lot of bother, but The Scottish Artists Union “Seeing Red” campaign explains how tough it can be for visual artist in the digital era.
#febreflection #ForestChurch #inktober #inktober2024 #inktoberQuartz #inktoberSL #sensingawareness #SensingChallenge #SensingMeaningfulness #SensingMystery #SensingSpirituality #stopdeportationdumfries Creative Worship mindfulness