Mission Thought of the Day


Our stewardship course met on Burns night this recently. The text we looked at was about bickering pharisees and a man who tried to hoard his wealth rather than share his windfall. (read it here) It seems that if Burns invested in anything it was in experiences, and the words to describe them. His sponsors […]

creation Theology Thought of the Day

The classroom of creation

The following quote comes from a translation of the life of St Mungo as told by Jocelin of Furness early in the 12th Century. The robin in the story is the one on the coat of arms of Glasgow, and its story is well known. What is perhaps less well known is this discussion about […]



8 Finally, beloved,[a] whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about[b] these things. During the month of Februrary, Quartz encourages you to take time out for reflection each day. Set yourself a […]

Theology Thought of the Day

The horror of the cross

Exposing the scandal of sacrificial Violence This photo and video that goes with it are the response by the governor of California to the violence recently seen in his country. He is speaking to his public and party, rather than composing a sermon. However, he does refer to his Christian education, possibly because are […]

Creative Worship Mission prayers

Something for Epiphany


Reason and Spirituality

Sometimes we are in the position where our head tells us one thing and our heart the other. It is important to recognise the difference, but unless we can reconcile the two ways of knowing how do we know how to act? Or should we deny one and follow the other? This is not a […]