2021 Review Creative Worship Fresh Expressions

The Year Ahead

The summer in Scotland is nearing harvest and autumn. I can see apples ripening on the trees outside my window, and that always reminds me that I need to plan ahead if I want to be able to do more than clear them from my drive into compost!

There has been a lot of reflection and discussion over the summer, so now it is time to do some planning.

We will do this on Sunday the 22nd of August at 3pm In Andy and Glorias house as well as online.

We plan to discuss:

Ignatian Spirituality

Following the success of the first session Philip has suggested discussing meeting as a CLC group (Christian Life Community) This could meet once or twice a month. It would start with a focus on Ignatian spiritualty but is described more generally as

We meet regularly in small groups to pray and share, supporting one another through the ups and downs of ordinary life. In listening to one another we grow to understand ourselves, deepen our relationship with God and discover more clearly how each one of us is uniquely called to respond to God’s love.

From the CLC website

Forest Church

We could try running some “Forest Church” type events once a month. At these we would explore being and meeting as church in interdependence with our environment – Outside of the building. This would be a development of the “Sensing Spirituality” walks we have already done.

The Floating Monastery

The Floating Monastery is adrift in time, but rooted in History

Following on from work carried out with Hidden Histories a few years ago, especially in NW Dumfries, this is a concept which combines arts, crafts, heritage and spirituality to help people think about where we have come from, where we are and possible futures. It will use activities familiar to those who have taken part in “Outerweaves” as well as testing out some new ideas. Expect a bit of environmental activism, costumed characters revealing hidden stories, and of course some weaving.


All this activity outside the building can be brought inside the building too. About four times a year we have created multimedia events with large scale installations. It looks like this will be a possibility this year again.

Creative Worship

As well as activity organised by Quartz, people will hopefully be inspired and supported to continue to explore and serve within the community and services of St Johns and the wider church. We will hopefully be able to continue this both online and in person.

And perhaps more too…


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