
Quartz Updates

These posts are a collection of news, information, and personal reflections from members of the Quartz community. If you could like to contribute, please get in touch. If you prefer something more spontaneous, we also have a WhatsApp “Glimmers” group where people post photos, thoughts and phrases that mark moments when they sense the presence […]

Forest Church

Autumn QFC 2024

Sunday 20th October at 2pm Forest Church in October will very possibly involve shuffling around in leaves, looking for colours and reflecting on what to let go of.  We are planning a Forest Church special for Saturday the 15th of November at Asheiri in Creetown. It would be great if we could meet up with […]



Every October some artists take on the challenge of inking. This post highlights contributions made by artists involved in Quartz There are rules but they are more like guidelines. There are daily prompts throughout October, or due to the success of the original idea you can participate throught the whole year. There are no prizes, […]

Fresh Expressions Thought of the Day

Dear God

I was asked where the space for public lamenting in church gathering can be found. I’m not sure. Perhaps this post is in someways a lament in itself. Laments are both an expression of grief and longing. An exploration of loss coupled with a hope that things could – should – better. There are psalms […]

CLC News

October CLC

During October we will be meeting on Monday the 7th and 21st at 7.30 till 9pm. We move around, so please get in touch to find out who’s house we will be meeting in. After discussion this week we are going to start thinking about things that will help discover new joys in the celebration […]

Forest Church Thought of the Day

Autumn Equinox

Yesterday was the autumn equinox. Day and night balance each other. It is celebrated in many ways. Some of these are flourishings from Christendom, some look for earlier roots and others might just be instinctive urges to drink something special and warming. At the contemporary service in St John’s we built a machine. The processes […]

Thought of the Day


When words run out. Can we pray in colours? If God is Love, and we are Loves children, then when we are caught up in moments of immersion in beauty and the experience of Love are we praying? The sunset over an ocean. A moment of noticing the character of light on the leaves of […]

Forest Church

September QFC

We enjoyed gathering on one of those days in Scotland where you are reminded that summer exists – even if winter is approaching. Here are some photos from our hunting for harvest. If we were looking to be fed, then it would have been disappointing. The grounds do not harbour many brambles. However the discussion […]

#SensingSpirituality Arts Creative Worship

Creative Industry

The most common comments I receive about creative worship fall into two categories. “How can I be more creative?” and “That must take a long time to do”. I think both observations are true, so here are some thoughts from a lifetime based on reflecting about them. From the beginning God is described as creator. […]


Lyubotin Dumfries Visit

Photos and videos from the Ukrainian visit to D&G are coming in. There will be an article in the St Johns magazine too. While you are waiting here are some video clips from the Kirkcudbright Tattoo. More photos and info can be found on the main page for the trip.

#SensingSpirituality Arts Theology Thought of the Day


A spirituality of making The scars on the Ruthwell cross are witness to the troubled relationship Christians have with art. We are physical beings who need a world of sensations, we are also spiritual beings who can sense a realm that is more than simply physical. The Bible is filled with references to God crafting, […]